“An understanding of the natural world and what’s in it is a source of not only a great curiosity but great fulfillment.”- David Attenborough
Nestled between the abundant Sahyadri ranges and the vast Arabian Sea lies the smallest state of India, Goa. Unique in its incredible cultural history and abundant biodiversity, watered by 11 rivers and their numerous tributaries, Goa is iconic for its rich variety of flora and fauna and has been championed by conservationists from around the world.
Similar to the network of veins and arteries in the human body, the waterways in Goa are like an intricate ecosystem. The various canals, inland lakes, bays, lagoons and creeks give rise to the formation of wetlands, tidal marshes and paddy fields, each with its own unique set of interdependent natural life. Additionally, the coastline stretches over 100 kilometers and supports its own remarkable eco-system.
Besides sustaining the bounteous natural life in the area, Goa’s rivers also have tremendous history. Rare stone age carvings have been found on the banks of the Kushavati and Zarme rivers providing evidence of some of the earliest forms of human habitation. There are also a lot of interesting narratives surrounding other rivers in the state.
Considering the relevance of the water bodies in and surrounding Goa, conserving them is of utmost importance. Planting trees and ensuring that garbage and harmful effluents are not disposed in the rivers and oceans are fundamental to this cause. For Goa to continue flourishing, we must work together to preserve and protect these life-sustaining water systems that also cater to transport requirements and maintain their thriving eco-systems.